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Can I have different schedules for my right eye and left eye?
Yes. When adding the drop, click on right eye, left eye, or both eyes. You can have a drop with the same name listed twice by adding it twice - once for the right eye and once for the left eye. They can have different start dates and schedules.
If you have eye surgery scheduled and want to set up everything in advance, you can enter the drops with start dates in the future.
Can I have different schedules for my right eye and left eye?
Yes. When adding the drop, click on right eye, left eye, or both eyes. You can have a drop with the same name listed twice by adding it twice - once for the right eye and once for the left eye. They can have different start dates and schedules.
If you have eye surgery scheduled and want to set up everything in advance, you can enter the drops with start dates in the future.